Thursday, May 12, 2016


In my last Marketing/Promotional tip I had spoken about how you might be able to get yourself exposure to a new audience of potential readers; by getting interview on other sites.

Practically all of us should be familiar with

ACTS 20:35  It’s better to give than receive.


LUKE 6:38 NIV Give, and it will be given to you.

MATTHEW 7:12 NIV Do to others what you would have them do to you.

For all practical purposes these two quotes can easily be applied to this subject matter. I saying this because I’ve found it many cases this has been proven to be true.

Depending on how adept you are in doing what it takes to produce a decent interview and presentation of the interview it might take a bit of time. And although you weren’t asked about it a nice gesture would be to offer the individual who had interviewed you a interview in return. This can also be applied when you’ve been given an opportunity to do a guest blog post or having a book you’ve written being profiled/spotlighted.

If you’re going to do an interview you’ll want to create one where those reading it will get to know something about the author, a book they’ve written, and a few things about their writing.

In my last status report I mention that I’m planning to return in about in two weeks to something I used to do and had enjoyed doing it; which is interviewing authors on my blog here and on WordPress.

I found/updated the list of questions I’ll using when I start interviewing authors again.  Here’s the list and if you’re interested in starting to interview authors yourself you’re free to use this list; and feel free to make any changes so the list will be something you’ll feel comfortable in using.

Please introduce yourself.

Tell us about your latest published novel.

Can you give us an excerpt from one of your favorite scenes in your latest novel?

In your latest novel, who’s your favorite character male/female? Tell us why.

What was the inspiration for your latest novel?

How did you decide on the title for the book?

Do you have any current writing endeavors? What are they?

Do you consider yourself to be a plotter or a pantser?

What made you decide to become an author?

Do you have a schedule for the amount of time to write, write/answer emails, and market/promote your book[s]?

Do you read books outside the genre you write in? What are they?

What must you have around you when you write; food, drink, music, etc?

When you were an aspiring author you needed advice, what advice would you give to an aspiring author in those shoes today?

If there’s anything else you’d like to briefly tell us about your book, your writing, or yourself.


Where can we find your book?

Where can we find you on:


Are there any other internet sites would you like to tell us about?

As separate attachments please include the cover for your book, and a photo you would everyone to identify you with?

THANKS for your time in allowing me to interview you.

I won’t be advertising my return to interviewing for two weeks so as one of my followers if you’re interested in interviewing me I’ll be happy to return the gesture with a choice between an interview, book spotlight/profile or a guest blog post.

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