Thursday, November 28, 2013


Besides being involved with the second romance novel I’ve been asked to submit a short story for an anthology which will be out next year. One of the topics for this anthology is HIV/AIDS, so I’m using Lillie’s prompt of HUMAN this week to write the following as one of my contributions, so I would truly love to hear your comments this week.


H enry had always enjoyed the life style he had chosen to live for as long as he can remember.

U nwearied he was in his efforts to help anyone less fortunate suffering with AIDS; he uses each free hour of each day to renew a sense of purpose in his life by helping his fellow man, without any desire to become rich or gain any fame.

M any people continuously admired Henry’s undying efforts, but unfortunately not one of them wanted to become involved for they’ve always been only interested in themselves.  

A ll around him people struggled to eke out a living, not asking for much, but only to survive for another day.  

N ow to be a little like Henry it doesn’t take much; just a little time to act kindly to someone else so they can feel, even for a brief moment that they’re somewhat HUMAN.





  1. I've worked in long term care for many years. I briefly worked with an AIDS patient who was in the facility for physical rehabilitation. He was one of the nicest patients I'd ever worked with, always very courteous.
    It can happen to anyone. It's not a "gay plague." It isn't a punishment for one's sins. It's a terrible disease. Anyone stricken with it deserves compassion, not condescension.

    1. THANKS for your kind comment,

      Your point is well taken and I've duly removed the reference. I'm now off to correct the error from the sister site on WordPress.

      Have a GREAT WEEKEND !!! :-) :-) :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
