Sunday, August 21, 2016


I can’t believe it. In five days, on August 26, 2016, I’ll be marking the second anniversary of my decision to start my 2nd second career, that of a Book Reviewer. Between January 22, 2014 and August 11, 2014 I had only read/reviewed 9 books, but today that total has already reached 373 books. I would now love to reach a total of 500 reviews before the end of the coming year.


Since my last Status Report I’ve read/reviewed a total of 9 books, but as you’ll noticed I’ve only posted 3 reviews here on my blog. The reason I’ve decided to do this, as I might have already said is that I wanted to increase the variety of the entries I post; which is why I’m looking to interview individuals, do a spotlight on an author’s book, or have them do a guest post here, so far no one seems to be interested in accepting my invitations.


I just reminded by one of my various followers on the internet that I’ve had a Short Story published in “More Than Best Friends – An Anthology in support of Guide Dogs for the Blind” Compiled by Kevin Morris  The Short Story entitled “Mary Finally Gets Her Dog” is actually an excerpted scene from my debut MG/YA Paranormal romance novel, “I Kissed a Ghost” modified so I could use it has a short story. If I remember correctly the anthology got published in the beginning of 2015 about the same has the upheaval, in dear OH’s, and that of my mine daily lives, began.

For the past several days I decided to shift gears a little so I could concentrate my efforts on reading/reviewing books and get reinvigorated in my writing endeavors. I’m now looking at completing my writing of “His Darkest Secret” by the end of September, followed closely by my Erotic/Shape Shifting/GLBT novelette, “The Transformation.” The reason for my moving this novelette up to the second spot on my WIP listing is that there’s a contest I might decide to enter and would like to have it completed just in case I happen to win.  


I’ve got tired looking at my Gmail mail boxes overloaded with old and obsolete items that I made a concerted effort to clean them up and at 6 PM – New York time I finished and from now on I’m going to make sure I’ve got less than 10 items at any one things. During this massive cleanup I added a few more personal boxes which will assist me in moving forwards with everything I’m doing these days.

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