Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I won a e-book copy of “A Bit of Heaven on Earth” from the first week of the 4th anniversary giveaway for “The Romance Reviews” website and the following is my honest for this book.
It takes a lot of effort for an author to write any sort of novel set in a specific historical period of time. While grammatical errors can be overlooked, those errors involving historical information aren’t so easily forgiven. Which is why of historical research which needs to be done, and verified, before an author can type that proverbial final period of their manuscript can be typed. Perhaps this is why many authors, including myself, avoid writing in this genre.

Ms. Linwood, on the other hand, has succeeded in this aspect of her book, as well as the time specific language she’s used in the dialogue. 
As for the overall story itself I found Elizabeth to be out of character for a woman of her times. Elizabeth is clearly doesn’t want to be demure like other women, she wants to have self-determination in her life.

Elizabeth is a strong heroine-headstrong, thirsting for knowledge, willing to take on challenges that would be handled by men and determined to live her own life. After successfully avoiding being betrothed, she gets married off by her father into a life without sex to over-aged Alfred. However, Alfred allows her to be educated, which is definitely not the norm for this time period.
When Gavin enters her life as a knight in her husband’s guard he lights a passion in Elizabeth’s heart where none had existed before. She longs to be with him, but after her husband’s death, fate steps in as she gets promised to another man.

Given Gavin’s financial state, how can she have any sort of forever relationship with him as she has nothing herself since women during this time period couldn’t own any property, etc.  Yet, their relationship somehow endures within the confines which exist for them.
This is the first time I’ve read a book in this sub-genre of romance and found it to be quite inviting; it’s a genre from which dreams and fantasies can be made. And as a result I’m happy to give Ms. Linwood’s endeavor here 5 STARS.
US:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QHMH0IU

UK:  http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00QHMH0IU

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