Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I’ve been quite busy since my last weekly status report trying to catch up with all the real physical books I’ve won from the giveaways on GoodReads. While I’ve posted all of my reviews on GoodReads.com, LibraryThing.com and Shelfari.com, I still can’t post two of them on Amazon.com because they’re ARCs [Advanced Reader’s Copies] and I have to wait until they become available to the public. One of them I’d received around August 21st, with a scheduled release date of October 9th; the book is now due to be released on November 1st. This is the reason for my posting so many of my reviews today.

I’ve finished formatting the pages of my anthology of Flash Fictions which I’ve entitled Micro Fiction – An Anthology. I’d originally planned to call it Five Sentence Fiction – An Anthology. However, to do editing some of the ones I’ve written are now longer than five sentences. I also have to double check the number of items I’ve included in this endeavor since my intention is to have a hundred of them; which means either I’ll have to write one or two additional ones or delete the excess. The excess will be going into my next Flash Fiction anthology.

In regards to my two other endeavors; my YA Urban Fantasy novella, The Secret of the Well, and my adult Contemporary His Darkest Secret, I’ll be doing a quick re-read to refresh my memory of what I’ve already written so I can continue my writing them. I’ll be concentrating my efforts to hopefully finish writing The Secret of the Well, by the end of this month; if not, my target date for completion is November 15th.

This is not to say, I’m going to ignore my other endeavor His Darkest Secret. I do want to make some progress here as well; and if I can write a minimum of a page a day, I’ll be happy.

Hopefully, in all goes as planned, I’ll be returning to a regular routine for all my writing endeavors; as well as for my presence on the internet.

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