Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Imagine being, orphaned at a young age and being raised in foster homes your entire life. You have no knowledge of your family, nor do you have any knowledge of heritage you might have.  Such is how Chasca Leon’s began her life.

After Chasca leaves home, she finds a job and lives a relatively mundane life until one fateful when on her way home she gets kidnapped. But as “FATE” would have it, her two rescuers are the ones who are going to help Chasca to discover her heritage and the “hidden” powers she possesses. She discovers who she can trust, who she can fall in love with, and the prophecy in which she plays an intricate part.

“FATE” is a wondrous mix of romance, action, adventure with a touch of the paranormal. Once I started reading it, the book became a page turner which I couldn’t put down. You must read this book in one sitting, or else you’ll probably lose the emotions which have built up inside your mind and the desire of what’s going to happen next.

If I can find the time, I’m going to download / read / review the other two books in this series.


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