Friday, February 8, 2013


Being exhausted from spending hours online marketing and promoting my book, I decided to take a long needed rest from doing most of everything.

The latest thing I’ve done has been to get myself on where I've reposted my 5 Sentence Fiction entries.
I'd like to invite everyone to become my fan there.

As you can tell by now, I've getting involved in writing flash fiction and would love to hear your comments about my endeavor each week.  So look for my 5 Sentence Fiction posts. It's a great exercise in creativity which I feel everyone will enjoy doing,

My book is currently in a group here in one of the groups for February.—-paranormal-romance-urban-fantasy
So naturally, I'd love for  you to participate and ask me questions about my debut novel.

Lastly, after having not written anything for my second novel for quite a while, as of today I’ve begun a SLOOOOW re-read and editing of what I’ve done so far [75 pages + approximately 21,500 words] and this time I’m not going to rush to write any new material for a while - writing about 500 words day once I get started.


  1. I have a random questions for you, if you don't mind. I am currently writing my first novel and have averaging about 1000 words each day I write.

    My problem is I feel like I can write more, yet it seems my brain goes to mush after about a thousand words. Is that common and how do I get over it? It is really hindering my progress.

    1. Writing a 1,000 words a day is wonderful, and if you can maintain the same rate you can write a 240 page novel in two months. However, the reality is if you read through my entries for my journey to become an author, you'll find I had several periods of time where I suffered from that dreaded condition which all writers face of writers block. And on a very few occasions I wrote close to 2,000 words and more. Do not set a DEFINITIVE number of words to write each day; if you do you'll, and I can tell by your question , you'll get discouraged. Whatever you write is fine. You're making progress each day until you're able to type that elusive final period.
      Once this is done, you'll have several re-reads and edits to do, you'll need to get your manuscript edited, which is follwed by more re-reads until you're totally satisfied with what you have.
      I hope my response has proven to be helpful and has set your mind at ease.

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