Thursday, February 21, 2013


When I first saw the prompt of ABANDONED, I didn’t really know what to write and the more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t resist writing something which involved my debut YA Paranormal/TIme Travel/First Kiss romance novel, “I Kissed a Ghost”.

Mary Elizabeth had kissed a boy [Jonathan] for the first time just before moving away; and once at her new home she discovers she has a friendly ghost by the name of George living there. He starts out by giving Mary a nightly kiss on her forehead, which doesn’t scare but intrigues her. George begins to take Mary back in time a hundred years which enjoys, and she begins to like him because he [like Jonathan] likes her as the person she is, and she likes him so much so that when a gives him a special kiss at a special time he disappears for the last time. Even though she understands what has happened, Mary feels somewhat ABANDONED now, because she has always had problems finding a boy who will like her for whom she is, instead of merely a person who can help them improve their grades so they can stay on the school’s team. And now that George is no longer part of her life, will she now find someone new like George or Jonathan; which is what my debut YA Paranormal romance novel is about.


  1. This is interesting!

  2. This has the makings of an excellent YA novel, an intriguing plot and the hint of more unusual romance to come.

  3. @ Ann - THANKS for your feedback.

    @ Josie - THANKS for your feedback as well. Just as you're about to think the story has ended, there's a surprise twist in the final chapter. Please read the email I sent you

  4. Interesting. I love the title. But my head grabbed a tune. "I kissed a ghost(girl), and I liked it." The song just has a catchy tune to me. :)

    1. I had no idea about the song you mentioned, got to look for it on YouTube. I got the title by basically summarizing the entire story into four words

  5. I loved the plot ... interesting :-)

    1. THANKS for the feedback. Read the GHOSTLY WHISPERS posts here on my blog to read several UNEDITED SNIPPETS from the book.
      Hope you'll consider buying a copy for the young girl in your life. Suggest you read the review done by Micki Peluso

  6. If she finds someone new she may find it diffcult to not compare them to George or Jonathan. I hope she does find someone who appreciates her. Realy enjoyed reading this intriguing piece!

    (The previous comment was the same, only I had to delete it because I saw an error and couldn't edit it) Marie

    1. THANKS for your feedback Marie. If you've enjoyed reading this I'd like to invite you to read some UNEDITED SNIPPETS from the novel itself. Just check out the GHOSTLY WHISPERS category here on my blog. Would love to hear some feedback here as well.

  7. This is a unique teen romance. I like your synopsis style piece which is a lesson in itself on how to say in so few words what your story is about. x

    1. THANKS for your feedback.
      BTW - if you keep on decreasing the number of words to say what my book is about you reach the point where I got the title for it. "I Kissed a Ghost"
