Sunday, March 1, 2020


Last year my reviewing of books changed in regards to the genres of a book I wrote reviews. My concentration shifted from doing a wide variety of types of books to my having read/reviewed 118 out of the 263 books I wrote about [almost 45%] belonging to the genre of nonfiction Christian books. And as far as 2020 is concerned, so far 29 out the 35 books [nearly 83%] have been for nonfiction Christian books. You can read these 29 reviews on my Christian blog at

Each post for these reviews has a link to my review on Amazon, which gives you the links to buy the book. I

Reading so many books belong to this genre led me to write not one but two Christian books as R. L. Morgan

You’re invited to check these books out, and if anyone is interested in reading three excerpts from each book, you can find them on my Christian blog site that I started shortly after my publishing both books on January 11, 2020:

While you are there, feel free to check out the rest of the posts I’m regularly doing, feel free to comment on my posts.  I would love for any Christian reading this, to please consider becoming a follower of my blog.

I’m in the slow process of transferring my secular FaceBook personae to my Christian personae at:

I never excepted for my Christian internet personae to wind up taking so much of my time that my secular personae haven’t had any time to work on my internet presence or work on any of my earthly endeavors, but it has.

I now need to start promoting the two books I’ve written as Robin Leigh Morgan

I also need to return to writing my two current secular endeavors; however, I won’t be able to publish either one unless I get enough royalties to pay for a cover design.

So, in the meantime, I wish ALL of my followers here on this blog to have a GREAT WEEK with whatever you’re going to be doing !!! 😊 😊 😊 

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