Thursday, December 19, 2013


Well here we are another Thursday and another prompt word from Lillie for us to create our own little five sentence fiction response. This week she’s given us SILVER, and I feel like taking a somewhat different approach to what many of us will consider doing.


As we enter our senior years what do we as a grandparent remember of the ones we had? We remember the home cook meals our grandmothers made for all of our family gatherings. We remember how we could always go to them to get the things our parents wouldn’t get for us.  They were our second home when our parents wanted to go on vacation go they could get away from us spoiled brats for a week or more. But most all we can remember the twinkle in their eyes and the SILVER in their hair.


  1. I miss my Grampy every day.

    1. THANKS for coming by and leaving your comment. I'm glad I've succeeded in eliciting the emotional response I'd planned when I wrote this.

      Have a GREAT WEEK !!! :-) :-) :-)

    2. I don't have your email...I changed Esther to Faith. Thanks for letting me know that I missed a spot!!

  2. I enjoyed this piece of short fiction. I like the genre because it is helps to hone your prose.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Daron

      Sorry for the delay in responding, If you my latest post you'll know the reason why,

      Glad you liked reading it, As for the I love this genre it really helps getting the creative juices flow inside those little grey cells of the thing they call my mind.

  3. The young ones have memories of the old, and the older folks have memories of the young. A fair exchange of gifts! I nice thought for the season.

    1. Hi "K. R."

      Sorry for the delay in responding, If you my latest post you'll know the reason why,

      Wonderful sentiment and true it is,

  4. Nice take on the silver prompt.
    This line rings true as grandparents often have a soft-spot for their grandchildren, as opposed to the children’s parents, and it is often said those living with their grandparents tend to become spoilt. “We remember how we could always go to them to get the things our parents wouldn’t get for us.”
    Keep on writing

    1. Hi Nada

      Sorry for the delay in responding, If you my latest post you'll know the reason why,

      THANKS for the compliment regarding my decision to use another meaning for the word. a meaning as far as I can recall no one else took [I might be mistaken here], and as you probably have already read in my latest entry as well; I am definitely keeping my writing up and expanding it into different genre. Getting new areas of exposure for novel writing can prove to be quite beneficial.
