My Journey from
Non-fiction to Fiction and Back Again
Kathryn Elizabeth Jones
Take it from me. The journey of a writer is fraught with all
sorts of perils, not all of them obvious to the casual reader. A book that is
selling well today, more than likely traveled through a myriad of rejections
before it was accepted by a publisher. Or it may never have been accepted by
the traditional publishing crowd but for awe-inspiring reasons is doing a
stand-up job today as a self-published book.

If truth be told, and I'd like to think that I focus on truth
in both my fiction and non-fiction pursuits, it is both easy and difficult to
write the truth, especially if the truth is part of your life.
Take for instance a fictional story that surrounds a girl
named Samantha. Her parents have divorced and her mother has remarried. She has
a 'blood brother' and one new brother that her new father has brought with him
to the marriage that she hates. The truth of the matter is that the girl is me,
my parents have divorced and my mother has remarried. I have one 'blood
brother', two half brothers and two step sisters, or is it the other way
Frankly, it was difficult growing up in such a household
with steps, and half's and a 'full blood', though today much of the angst I
once experienced has smoothed over. But as a child I learned to share, (to
really share), to keep bad thoughts to myself, and to cry whenever I was alone
enough to do so.
Sharing this new life with new siblings was tough. But the
truth eventually made it's way into A
River of Stones, and, along with a bit of fiction (as well as friction),
shares the truth of what it means to be a young girl when your parents have
A few years passed before I returned to non-fiction, though I was reading it more often than the fiction variety. But I suppose the dream of non-fiction returned when I realized I didn't have to write school papers anymore, and that the love I had for the truth could manifest itself without the corrections only a professor could bring.
A few years passed before I returned to non-fiction, though I was reading it more often than the fiction variety. But I suppose the dream of non-fiction returned when I realized I didn't have to write school papers anymore, and that the love I had for the truth could manifest itself without the corrections only a professor could bring.

Me, technical?
Sure. I'd started with the journalistic type of article;
articles that demanded facts and charts, and the sort of stuff that was real
and true, (no matter what you might have heard about some journalists and what
they write) and here I was again, sharing with writers how to get reviews,
interviews, even speaking engagements. And how to do it all for free--or almost
So I have come full circle, and I suppose it was the only
thing I could do, in this wonderful realm of writing the truth, whether it is
fiction--or not.
Kathryn has been a published
writer since 1987. She graduated from
the University of Utah with a B.S. in Mass Communication and a minor in
Creative Writing. Her studies included work in creative writing, public
relations and journalism. In 2012, she opened the doors to Idea Creations
Press, a publishing services company that caters to writers and their writing,
publishing and marketing needs. Her newest book, Marketing Your Book on a
Budget 2013, can be found at:
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