Saturday, September 22, 2012


When I made my last post yesterday [9/22/12] I still had no real idea of which way I should go to reach being able to type that final elusive period for my first YA Paranormal/Time Table/First Kiss romance novel.  And boy, how much a difference a few hours can make. This afternoon, I mentally chopped what I needed to say/cover into small pieces, and then tried to form a picture using as few pieces as possible.  And voila, once I had this picture formulated in my mind, I sat down to type it out.  Little did I realized that this would become a marathon typing session.  Typing for almost six hours, I typed  fifteen pages and approximately 3,750 words, which included that elusive final period.

It’s about 1:30 here on the east coast, so later this morning when I wake up I’ll be sending a total of four chapters to my editor; leaving the final chapter as a “surpise”/second ending to my novel. As it stands now I have about 260 pages / 66,900 words.

This means that Monday, I’ll be starting the next phase for my novel…getting someone to design the cover.

So right now, I’d like to thank everything who has followed me through my trials and tribulations as I completed this part of my journey in becoming an author.


  1. HOORAH! Congratulations on typing that final period. What a nice feeling! I'm looking forward to reading your book.

  2. Congratulations! Good luck with the next phase - sounds exciting!

    1. SORRY for the delay, as you can tell from my response in the above I've been busy. As far as the next MAJOR PHASE, I believe I'm totally ready for it. I've got two groups on and belong to scores more.
      THANKS for your support

  3. Yeah! Congratulations on finishing your book! How exciting and I am so glad that everything came together for you. I am sure you are just so happy right now. Getting the cover done will be lots of fun! :)
