Thursday, November 3, 2016


This is going to be a very brief Status Report as things should be getting back to a real sense of normalcy for myself.

To begin with I’ve finally finished judging the entries I’d received for the contest a local chapter of the RWA [Romance Writers of America]. This endeavor took me more time than I had anticipated.

Now it’s back to work on my first Erotic romance novella which as I’ve already written in my previous reports is my first priority to finish as I’ve entered the beginning in a contest from a RWA chapter, and want to have a completed manuscript prepared in case I should become a winner and someone wants to read it. Right now with a projected word count of 40,000 I’m about 48.2% finished. Once I’ve re-read the last two chapters, I ready to forge ahead towards typing the elusive final period.
I’ve already completed my GoodReads reading challenge of my reading/reviewing 200 books by the end of the year at the end of last month.

With about 60 days left for the rest of the year I’ve got to move my goal of having read/reviewed my 500th book until about the end of January 2017.


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