Wednesday, June 29, 2016


How can I make a comparison between this book and a real classical and respected work of fiction; Lord of the Rings? The basic answer is relatively simple, it’s a ring. In both stories, you’ve got a protagonist who’s in possession of a ring and has no real know of the actual importance of what they possess. In both stories you’ve got an individual who’s seeking to regain possession of a ring.

For each of two of the story’s protagonists the ring holds a personal connection; for Giselle the special ring had belong to her grandmother, for Niccolo return the ring to his family is his driving force. And lastly, in both you’ve got an individual who will stop at nothing to gain possession of this precious piece of jewelry and the powerful secret it holds.

There’s a definite love-hate relationship between Giselle and Niccolo all because of the ring, why else will he pursue to an isolated ranch in Crystal Creek, Colorado, endangering his own life in the process. Can these two put their differences aside long enough to retain it in their possession? The storyline has been written in such a manner that once it has grabbed your attention it’s hard to let go, making it hard to let go.

Who will be the one holding the ring when you to get to the last period? Will Giselle and Niccolo find some sort of HEA in their relationship? But more important, what is the secret the ring contains, a secret which must have kept our curiosity throughout the book? For me to tell you would be quite easy, which is why you’ll need to check this 5 STAR book out to find out for yourself.

I received a e-book edition of this book from the author through a giveaway she on the internet and the above has been my honest opinion.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


As you know by now I basically read/review books which I’ve either won through the various giveaways I’m always entering or I’ve obtained myself. So when I’ve found an author I truly like, I’m always on the lookout for their next giveaway. I therefore feel fortunate to have won the giveaway for Ms. Rossiter’s latest addition to her Tovi the Penquin series.

Each of this author’s books are aimed for the youngest of readers so they can experience the joy of reading at an early age while at the same time educating them in some aspect of life. Tovi the Penquin goes Treat-of-treating introduces its young readers to Halloween, the holiday most children love besides Christmas. It teaches them that while on the outside things might seem scary, they’re actually meant as an opportunity for them to have fun.

The illustrations are perfectly keyed to the surrounding text, aiding in the visualization of it. This like all of the other two books I’ve already reviewed are guaranteed wanting to read over and over again; and in some incidents its young readers have been known to attempt reading them to their younger siblings, their pets or their toys.  So it should come as no surprise I’ve given this book 5 STARS.

NOTE: The author has used the British spelling of certain words.


Saturday, June 25, 2016


Since my last Status Report there’s been improvement on several fronts; the most important of which is our picking up a walker with four wheels which will allow for an improved ability to ambulate; both in overall movement and speed.

My Amazon Reviewer Ranking has been under 5,000, and improving for the past three consecutive updates. I’ve now completed 327 reviews and my goal of 350 by the end of July should be quite attainable at this point.

As far as my WIPs are concerned; I’ve made 127 changes to my adult Contemporary romance, “His Darkest Secret,” resulting in an increase of 226 words. It’s amazing what over a year without looking at a manuscript can do; it’s like looking at it with a totally new set of eyes and the ability to clearly see what needs to be changed. If you’re constantly reading a manuscript over and over, you can become blind to necessary changes since you’re overly familiar with what you’re reading. With a goal of completing one chapter a month, I should be finished with this endeavor in just over three weeks. Then I can begin the process of finishing the writing of this WIP over the following four weeks.

This means I must seriously look for ways to create the funds I’ll need to pay for editing and the creation of a cover. I’d love to have this novel published by the end of October.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I received a ARC [Advance Reader’s Copy] for Fast Facts: Geography book through a Goodreads giveaway in return for my honest opinion. 
What made this ARC particularly interesting is that it was a FLIP ARC, meaning if you turned the book over you had a second ARC. The second ARC dealt with Sports.

Unless you’re truly interest in knowing facts concerning a specific topic, fact books can be extremely boring to read. This can be especially true when it comes to intended audience of readers, children between the ages of 6 – 10.

Taking two characters, A.J. and Andrea from his My Weird School Series of books Dan Gutman has written a skillfully crafted dialogue in which facts about Geography flow smoothly from one fact into another. The illustrations and photos add to the educational experience for its young readers for which I’ve given this book 5 STARS.


Thursday, June 16, 2016


I received a copy of this book from the publisher through a giveaway they held on GoodReads and the following is my honest opinion.

What is a single, harried woman who’s tired working for a sleek, high-end baby magazine to do when she’s toiled for an imaginable number of unappreciated hours merely covering for her co-workers, picking up the work because of their kids, or because fate has made them fortunate enough to give birth to a child, if not more? She’ll do what practically any woman, perhaps even yourself, would do. She’ll jumped at the first opportunity destiny would give her for a respite from her predicament.

Luckily one day, out of the blue, such an opportunity finally prevailed. Liz Buckley didn’t asked for, or planned for it just happened.

Usually no one, even her boss, ever noticed the work-related anxieties/stress she regularly suffered from. You know the kind I mean; the kind where everyone takes you for granted or never appreciates your efforts at work. I know how she felt because this has happened to me on a regular with my civil service job.

However, on this particular day, even though she never said a word, her boss mistakenly takes her usual stressed-out appearance for that of morning sickness, and the onset stages of motherhood. And if you’ve ever been fortunate enough to become pregnant, you know precisely how everyone’s perception of you changes at work. All of sudden they honestly care for you and suddenly everything you do. While your job title doesn’t change, your status at work does. A strange thing is at the beginning it doesn’t matter if you’re married or single with or without a regular male companion, the only thing which does is your newly found medical condition. But give it a little while and suddenly it becomes an item ripe for office gossip.

Liz got lucky in helping her carry out her charade with the aid of two great friends and co-workers Brie and Alexis. They help Liz to calculate a plausible LMP date and the vital EDC for any true pregnant, making sure she can answer any question throw at her regarding her condition, as if she’s actually pregnant; for any hesitation would bring a swift and embarrassing end to her pretense. They also with some additional aided Liz in making sure her physical appearance would match the progress of a real pregnancy.

From this stage forward, she had to live a double life, a pregnant “Mom” during the day and a swinging single woman at night. This existence becomes a real challenge when she meets a guy during one of her nighttime soiree who just might be her HEA, and can’t figure out to tell him so she won’t lose him.

What’s going to happen to Liz regarding her pretense at work and her co-workers as the proposed blessed day approaches and the baby showers begin? What’s going to happen regarding Liz’s family’s expectation for her? What’s going to happen to Liz when the gig is up and she must reveal the truth? I’m not going to reveal the answer; you’ll need to read the book to find out.

While this book is a Contemporary romance, it is more of a Romantic Comedy, which must be kept in mind as one reads it in order to better appreciate what the story has to offer. For having written her readers a fun reading experience regarding pregnancy and the work place I’ve given this book 5 STARS.








Monday, June 13, 2016


Since first coming home from first being hospitalized and going for rehab and coming home; and then being hospitalized for a broken hip/partial hip replacement followed by more rehab, this is the FIRST WEEKEND my dear OH and I have been able to be alone. The dear has improved so much we decided to discontinue the use of the 24/7 home attendants we’ve been using on the weekends. And I would love for us to stop using them totally before the end of next month.

To celebrate we went to our favorite Indian restaurant to partake to their all you can eat buffet, something we haven’t done in about 19 months.

Since I do my best writing before 9 AM and after 10 PM not having a home attendant during this weekend [Sat – Mon] has finally given me access to our second bedroom where they sleep, etc. during the times I’ve just mention.

Before I can move forward working on any of the three WIPs I current have, I first must re-read everything I’ve already written slowly to refresh my memory and to allow my “fresh” set of eyes I now have to pick any errors which exist or to make any changes.

Since I don’t really have any books on my TBReviewed pile for books I’ve won from the giveaways I usually enter; I’m now on the prowl for free KINDLE books on Amazon. Since I don’t post the reviews for these books you’ll need to check my Amazon profile from time to time read them. 



At the time I’m writing this, I’ve got 318 reviews on Amazon. I would love to have 350 reviews before the end of next month.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Here’s a relatively simple idea, one which you probably totally forgot. I know I did until I received it in the mail since the last idea I posted here.

What is it?

Why, it’s the college alumni newsletter/magazine you get from time to time in the mail. If you didn’t go to college it might be your high school; that’s provided they had an alumni association and you’ve joined it.

Alumni associations love to hear about what you’ve been up to, especially if you’ve achieved doing something vital or interesting. Don’t you think having a book published would be considered to be one of these things?

Your fellow alumni might buy a copy of what you’ve written, simply because your one of them.

The best thing about this I idea is that the only cost involved is the time you’ll spend contacting them; and then working with them if they choose to write about you and your book[s].

And if by chance, you’re active in a union they would likewise be interested in what a brother/sister member is what to. If your union has a retiree association, join it and let them know.

This can also apply to anyone who works or had worked for a large company with an employee newsletter/magazine.

My union’s retirees association just had their annual luncheon this past week which I went to, sans my dear OH. There they announced if you’re doing anything interesting to let them know.

I’m definitely doing both of these items in the coming week.

So why don’t you consider doing them as well?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


If there was any book a person like me could relate to this would be the book. But in order to tell for me to explain why I have to confess I suffer from a genetic deformity on my skin on several parts of my body including a very vital part - - my face.

So like Millie I never thought I would never married but one day I ran into my dear OH at work; my OH, I should point out is rather plain looking and could never win a beauty contest.

After a while our relationship ended. I can’t really remember why, but it. However, a few years later our paths crossed and the relationship started anew and happily we eventually married. We basically agreed not to have children out of fear of passing my condition along to any child we have had.

The only difference between me and Millie is that I knew I had a good heart. My dear OH had been the first individual to see pass my deformity and to the person I am inside. Sam has to be the first person in Millie’s life who also was able to look pass her so-called ugliness to the person she is inside. Now, for Millie to have her HEA, she must be “forced” to realize that she has far more to offer Sam than merely looking pretty.

Ms. Wasser’s poignant story can, could and should be read by both men and women; people who are allowing themselves to be their worst enemy by letting their outward appearance to run their lives.

For what could well be, I’ve got no knowledge if it is, someone’s memoir, I’m giving this book 5 STARS.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016


While the total antithesis of the kind of careless, heartless individual we all love to hate, being an empath for Jade is actually a curse; a curse from which her parents did everything they could to prevent her from suffering. Empaths are those individuals who are strong receivers of the emotions and feelings everyone around them has, which can definitely become overwhelming. Image if you will the kind of feelings and emotions you get when someone dear to you has died. Now multiple that by a hundred; no make it by a thousand and you’ll begin to realize why she considers it to be actually a curse.

Luckily for Jade her parents made sure to keep her as isolated as possible growing up as a child; but at the same time they unfortunately they didn’t do anything in preparing her for the time she might leave the nest to go to college. There, she now needs to learn how to set up some sort of protective barrier from the emotions and feeling those around have. Instead of merely feeling other people’s emotions these emotions are ruling her as she becomes their emotions.

Once Jade started going to class the multitude of emotions from her classmates: nervousness, excitement, rage, fear and frustration made her relatively helpless since she hadn’t developed any sort of barrier to shield herself. Luckily she was able to gather some classmates to help her gather the knowledge she needed to begin to protect herself.

All is comparatively fine, fine that is until a psychopath, named Ethan, develops a fascination for Jade and the feeling of fear she’s constantly emitting because of the lack of control over that emotion. You wind up with a showdown, either Ethan will possess Jade or Jade must use the empathic curse she was born with to overcome him.

This book is full of emotions and is a captivating, fast paced read due to the practically flawless writing of the author for which I given the author 5 STARS.



Remember the days when you started college and had to decide what would be your career for the rest of your life; that is unless you already knew.  Job descriptions are fine but they don’t really tell you the truth.

In his book, Will Jelbert has cut to chase and gives his readers the true essence of each career in verse.

Take Advertiser for example. We all basically know those in this career are continuously crying out that we should buy a certain product, just like the town crier of the past who cried out the time and saying ALL IS WELL. We all understand those in this career will do almost anything to accomplish this goal to get your cash so that their product will become your trash, including lying.

To best enjoy this book you should read each career, STOP and then quietly contemplate about what you’ve read, so you can enjoy the humor in it.

Besides being an Author, I’m also a Book Reviewer. Not seeing my 2nd second career listed I decided write one on my own


Build a library of books for free.
Resist accepting requests for reviews or
You’ll be stuck with books you
  would have never read.
Enter giveaways instead and may the
   forces decide if you’ll get the book
   you’re interest in reading.
Read the book, then write a few good words
   and be fair for each book you’ve received.

As you probably can tell, I totally enjoyed this quick read and why I’m giving it 5 STARS.


Monday, June 6, 2016


I know it’s been about 17 days since my last Status Report but there’s been nothing really to tell you guys about. During this time period:

I’ve read/reviewed 10 more books.

I almost hit another MILESTONE, so much so that I could almost taste it. Ever since I actually decided to become a Book Reviewer I dreamt of being ranked under 5,000 as a reviewer on Amazon; and on May 26th I hit 5,009. Since then I’ve experience two increases, and a decrease; so hopefully if the stars are favorable I’m hoping to reach my goal by next Monday.

BEST OF ALL, my dear OH has improved so much we’ve decided to reduce the number of days which we’ll been using a 24/7 aide from seven days to four. This will mean on the weekends we’re be able to return to the routine we use to have on the weekends; seeing movies, eating out and perhaps even going back shopping at our favorite malls.

As you saw this weekend on Saturday I had finally posted an interview here on my blog; something I haven’t done in well over a year. You’ve seen the type of questions I ask, so if you’re interested in being interviewed here send me a DM [Direct Message] through my Twitter account:

If you’re not following me yet, follow me and send me a message that you are and a follower on my blog so I can follow you back.

And if anyone is interested in interviewing me, please let me know - THANKS !!!

Until next time I hope you’re having a GREAT WEEK with your family, followed by having a GREAT WEEK with whatever you do !!!  :-) :-) :-)


Saturday, June 4, 2016


Even though I’ve worked for an agency of the City of New York for over 33 years I’ve seen how quietly the work environment can change simply because of a new director coming into place. Where we once had the opportunity to have fun/office parties and had always made the targets which had been set for us. Within a year we missed the yearend target for the first time. Naturally, this director didn’t take the blame, he told his bosses he wasn’t getting the supported he needed, meaning support from us; or trying to push the blame unto someone else.

If you’ve ever watched Undercover Boss you’ll know how many times “the man in charge” has loss the hand/control of his company. You’ll also know the best way to find out the truth of what’s happening in the trenches is to go there yourself, undercover, and learn the truth.

There’s a pattern you can see which emerges by the end of the show. A pattern which includes bringing back the things which had made the employees happy in the past, happiness didn’t really cost the bosses anything, like a simple recognition/acknowledgment for having done something well.

Instead of going undercover, those in the hierarchy of a company who are responsible for the fiscal fitness of that company should read this book. The well written plan for the transformation of what employees might call almost a tyrannical boss to one which employees would be more than happy to work with for a common goal is quite easy to be followed. The plan needs to have a solid commitment from those attempting for it to work as intended.   

Great CEOs are not born; they’re created from those who are willing to have a little give/take for all procedures and those who will have to work with them. For willing to share the knowledge she’s gained through her life with CEOs and others in similar positions, I’m giving Ms. Ganescu 5 STARS.


HEY GUYS With things beginning to settle down with my dear OH’s condition I feel I finally can return to something I previously used to do on my blogs, interview authors so they can tell us about their book[s]. So today I’m interviewing award winning children’s book author, Saul Weber.

Please introduce yourself.
THANKS Robin Leigh Morgan for giving me the opportunity of being interviewed by you.

What can I say about myself? I’m married. I’m a retired civil servant. Have no children. And have self-published an award winning children’s book entitled “A Lesson My Cat Taught Me.”

Tell us about your latest published novel.
The lesson my book is trying to convey to its own readers is the important life lesson regarding the acceptance of others for who they are and not what they are. Here’s the link regarding the award my book had won: 

What was the inspiration for your latest novel?
The inspiration for my book was the two cats my wife and I had. The first half of the book is actually true; we had a Maine Coon,Dr. Seuss [Mr. Tickles in the book], which we got from an animal shelter; and Uno, the one-eyed cat in the book, which we rescued from the garage we parked our car in. Many of the events before Jennifer goes back to school actually had involved either my wife or myself.

How did you decide on the title for the book?
Deciding on the title was quite easy. I kept on summarizing the book’s story until I had enough words to form a good title.

Do you have any current writing endeavors? What are they?
YES. I’ve got a two book series completed involving Edgar Noodleman, both of which try to convey a lesson to its readers; the first book deals with self-confidence and the second with bullying.

Do you consider yourself to be a plotter or a pantser?
Like many authors I would say a little of both. I had a basic storyline with points I want to hit and the path I took came as I wrote it.

What made you decide to become an author?
Basically it’s something to do in my spare time. I also wrote articles for a community which might have had something to do with it as well.

Do you have a schedule for the amount of time to write, write/answer emails, and market/promote your book[s]?
Not really.

Do you read books outside the genre you write in? What are they?
I’m not really a reader of books.

What must you have around you when you write; food, drink, music, etc?
A cold drink, I prefer drinking a Black Cherry Seltzer [Clear Choice] and some QUIET.

When you were an aspiring author you needed advice, what advice would you give to an aspiring author in those shoes today?
Don’t get discourage from a low sales. Just remember you wanted to write and have it published; AND YOU DID IT !!!

If there’s anything else you’d like to briefly tell us about your book, your writing, or yourself.
I would, like any author, love to have people buy my book and others about it.


Where can we find your book?

Where can we find you on:


SAUL WEBER, THANKS for giving me your time in allowing me to interview you.


If you’re the type of person who loves to or doesn’t mind speaking in front of people, unfortunately I’m not; you can offer to speak to organizations which deal with the topic of your book.

You can also try to contact your local radio or cable station to see if they would be interested in interviewing you. This is great for people like myself who like actually speaking in front of an audience; but like myself, will still know there’s hundreds of people listening to us in the back of our minds.

Friday, June 3, 2016


I’ve read/reviewed most if not all of this author’s books from those loaded with jokes and riddles for kids to of humor for adults with topics dealing with bars and religion to books loaded with humor some might consider to be risqué.

In this outing, Eric Duck has turned his attention to a more mundane topic that of home hacks everyone, from teens and college students/single people to housewives and yes, guys as well can use. The scope of the hacks contained in this book collected by the author covers the following are:


The hacks are easy to understand and quite easy to follow, in fact, I’m looking at using some myself shortly. This book is a must read for anyone who is too proud or embarrassed to ask something else, which is why I’ve given this book 5 STARS.