The Countdown will be in the UK next week because of scheduling restrictions for this book for the KINDLE Countdown.
The book has an average of 4.2 STARS
for the reviews and will make for a great summertime read for yourself, your
daughter of any young girl in your family.
=========================Last week became a totally nonproductive one for me. Sunday/Monday I spent clearly out my email boxes on have wound up with nothing in any of the 3 mail categories. Then my OH had a slight injury and I played nursemaid on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday time to catch up with my email again.
Now comes Friday and my OH decides to take time off to have a restful 5-day weekend going back to work today Wednesday. We enjoyed resting, going to a large mall, eating out, etc. We also adopted a new "fur child" on Monday which meant staying home on Tuesday watching to making sure our older "fur child" and our new one didn't get into any fights. Our new guy is an angel as he didn't do anything when the female we've had for almost a year continuously hissed at him.
Today became another catch-up day as well as a busy day for promoting the KINDLE Countdown for my book [see above]
THANKS for being a follower here on my blog and your kind support !!! :-) :-) :-)