After no real movement occurring in regards to writing my second romance novel for several weeks; today I feel substantial progress has finally been made. In one day, today, I've been able to write an entire chapter consisting of four formatted pages [6" x 9"], and almost 1,100 words.
Since it has been like a dam had block my creativity all this time, and like a dam springing a leak, I feel I'll be able to make substantial gains each day, for the next few days. I'll do a quick post each day detailing the progresss I've made.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Feeling Festive! Spirits of Christmas ~ A Rock'n'Roll Christmas Carol
November 1, 2013

Ho, Ho, Ho!
1 November heralds the start of the Christmas season in my house. From this day, I'm allowed to put on the Christmas rock songs and crank the stereo up loud. So I can't think of a better day to bring you this, at last. My special mini surprise project, the one I've been promising you since...ooooh... May.
Here's I blog post from Nicky Wells I feel you might be interested in reading.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
On October 19th, I last wrote about the status of my writing my second romance novel, and I mentioned I'd just complete Chapter 13. After finish writing this chapter and posting about it here I noticed I had a substantial time gap between this chapter and what I've outlined as the storyline for the rest of my manuscript, so I've been busy these past few days tweaking the storyline my notes to drastically reduce this time gap.
Right now I believe I should have this issue totally resolved by Friday, and that I can now seriously get down to finishing this manuscript by the middle of December.
THANKS for being here with me as I continue on my journey to write my second romance novel.
Right now I believe I should have this issue totally resolved by Friday, and that I can now seriously get down to finishing this manuscript by the middle of December.
THANKS for being here with me as I continue on my journey to write my second romance novel.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Another week has gone by and I’ve finally decided how I’m
going to respond to the prompt of “DETERMINATION”
which Lillie has given us to write our Five Sentence Fiction.
It took me a bit of time, but I’ve succeeded in not
only writing my response, I’ve done it as acrostic with the beginning of each
sentence containing part of the prompt word itself.
Would love to hear everyone’s feedback on the
with trying to become an established author takes a deal of DETERMINATION, especially when nothing
you try takes you a step closer to your goal.
of failure begins to seep into every part of your being and you become lost in
the world of despair.
of the rewards you can reap you drudge forwards.
time can you ever look backwards for if you do, you’ll be lost forever.
ON a
path of success is what you must keep on repeating to yourself, regardless of
how bad the grammar might; because if you do, you’ll ultimately succeed at the
goal you’ve set in front of you.
Friday, October 18, 2013
I’m finally on my way again writing my second romance
novel, a still untitled Contemporary romance with a paranormal element running
through parts of the storyline. It has taken me almost two months to decide
which way I should take the wedding scene in Chapter 13. We all have experienced weddings before,
including that of our own; so the question became what kind should I write
about? Should there be a religious
wedding set in a religious institution of some sort, a commercial setting or a
private location; or should the wedding be one where the couple writes their
own vows? In reality the final location I decided upon had been set previously
within the storyline, and changing it now would entail rewriting those
scenes/pages from my manuscript. The
type of vows Jessica and Warren decided upon I’m not disclosing at this time,
but I might do it later when I start releasing UNEDITED SNIPPETS, much in the
same manner I did here for my first romance novel, a YA Paranormal/Time
Travel/First Kiss romance novel entitled “I Kissed a Ghost”. [These snippets can be found under the “GHOSTLY
WHISPERS” category for this blog.]
Right now, I’ve got 13 Chapters completed and
containing 94 6” x 9” formatted pages and approximately 27,600 words. [I’m
formatting my pages as I write them.]
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Well given I’m finally returning to writing my second
romance novel in earnest, I’m back here where hopefully I’ll once again use
Lillie’s prompts to get the creative juices inside those little grey cells I’ve
got inside my heading flowing again.
This week Lillie McFerrin has given us the prompt of “MALICE” with which to write our Five
Sentence Flash fiction. PLEASE leave
your comments and if you’re not already following blog here, I’d like to invite
you to do so.
M urder
is the action Sean decided to take against the person who had cheated with his
on a deserted dark street near the person’s job would be the location.
I n
an instant it would happen, in a wink of an eye the ghastly deed would take
place, and it was so done.
C arefully
making sure he has any evidence which would connect him to the crime, Sean
begins to run for his life.
E scaping
from the scene Sean immediately trips on the wet pavement and wakes up a moment
later; for luckily for him, it had only been a dream.
I’ve been extremely lax about posting here lately. But at the same time I’ve been busy with other endeavors.
I’ve cleaned out all the FANS I used to have on Twitter; they’ve been connected to or simply “BLOCKED.” At the same time I’ve reduced my non-followers down to a level which I’m going to keep my account. I accomplished both of these by using
I’ve also been busy on FaceBook increasing my exposure and getting over 40 new friends each day.
It’s been a lot of work and with everything basically in place, the time to adequately manage these sites have been reduced to an extremely workable amount of time.
With this done I’m finally returning today to writing my second romance novel. This time it’s a still untitled adult Contemporary with a paranormal element as part of the storyline.
If anyone here is not connected with me elsewhere on the internet I would love for you to do so.
TWITTER = 6.092 Followers
FaceBook = 926 Friends
FaceBook Fan Page = 559 "LIKES"
[Send me a message with your link so I can "LIKE" you back.]
And if you’re on Linked In it’sL:
You’re invited to check out my profile and join my groups which I’ve listed there.
THANKS for being one of my blog followers and for your kind support.
I’ve cleaned out all the FANS I used to have on Twitter; they’ve been connected to or simply “BLOCKED.” At the same time I’ve reduced my non-followers down to a level which I’m going to keep my account. I accomplished both of these by using
I’ve also been busy on FaceBook increasing my exposure and getting over 40 new friends each day.
It’s been a lot of work and with everything basically in place, the time to adequately manage these sites have been reduced to an extremely workable amount of time.
With this done I’m finally returning today to writing my second romance novel. This time it’s a still untitled adult Contemporary with a paranormal element as part of the storyline.
If anyone here is not connected with me elsewhere on the internet I would love for you to do so.
TWITTER = 6.092 Followers
FaceBook = 926 Friends
FaceBook Fan Page = 559 "LIKES"
[Send me a message with your link so I can "LIKE" you back.]
And if you’re on Linked In it’sL:
You’re invited to check out my profile and join my groups which I’ve listed there.
THANKS for being one of my blog followers and for your kind support.
Monday, October 7, 2013
REBLOG of Nicky Wells' Latest Blog Entry # 3
EXTRA TIME! @MichelleBetham shares the release of Book 2 in the Striker Trilogy

Welcome to CentreStage!
It is with tremendous excitement that I welcome back today the one and only Michelle Betham! It's not terribly long ago that Michelle shared with us the new cover for the first book in her Striker Trilogy and whoa... today, she's telling us all about the second book: EXTRA TIME!
October 7, 2013

Welcome to CentreStage!
It is with tremendous excitement that I welcome back today the one and only Michelle Betham! It's not terribly long ago that Michelle shared with us the new cover for the first book in her Striker Trilogy and whoa... today, she's telling us all about the second book: EXTRA TIME!
Extra Time - Book #2 in the Striker Trilogy is released!
I've been busy with an onslaught of followers on Twitter for some reason. I'd received almost two hundred over a three day period. Anyway I wanted to share Michelle Betham's latest release with you from one of my favorite bloggers. Please leave your comments there as well as here. - THANKS
REBLOG of NIicky Wells' Latest Blog Post #2

Welcome to CentreStage!
It is with tremendous excitement that I welcome back today the one and only Michelle Betham! It's not terribly long ago that Michelle shared with us the new cover for the first book in her Striker Trilogy and whoa... today, she's telling us all about the second book: EXTRA TIME!
Extra Time - Book #2 in the Striker Trilogy is released!
I've been busy with an onslaught of followers on Twitter for some reason. I'd received almost two hundred over a three day period. Anyway I wanted to share Michelle Betham's latest release with you from one of my favorite bloggers. Please leave your comments there as well as here. - THANKS
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