Saturday, August 17, 2013


Well I’m glad things have finally returned to normalcy and I can once again start to have those little grey cells in my head start flowing again so the creativity I once had to write my next romance manuscript can finally return to me relatively unscathed.
And one of the things I used to love to do had been to respond to the weekly prompt by Lillie McFerrin to write a Five Sentence Fiction based on a single word.  This week the prompt word is FABRIC

F or the past weeks things kept on popping up which had prevent me from pursuing my normal and regular writing activities which usually made up the FABRIC of my daily existence.

A lone without a computer to aid me in these daily quests, I’d been left forlorn with more and more things needing to get done as each moment ticked slowly by.
BR eaking up my daily routine has created voids and nothing to fill them with.

I ncreasing impatient I’d become with every lapsed moment in my new world without an electronic connection to the outside.
C essation of my miserable state finally came to an end after about four days when I finally restored the programming to my printer and I could hold my newly created words for my next romance novel in my hands, and have the FABRIC of my daily existence return to its previous docile state.


  1. I have to tell you, I usually don't like acrostic compositions, but this one should hit home with so many writers that, even if they don't like it, they will certainly understand the feeling! So I have to give credit where due - good job!

    I'm glad you got things working again!

  2. Hi K R

    THANKS for your compliment. The only reason I use the acrostic form of composition is to add a level of difficulty in responding to Lillie McFerrin’s prompt word for the week. It really forces my creative juices to be creative in the confines of having only five sentences in which to communicate what I’d like to say. If it’s done right it can be quite effective, as can be seen in an endeavor I did back in April of this year which has elicited the most responses I’ve ever received in any of my other blog posts.

    Let me know what you think of it.

    1. Not only do I remember that, but I have a comment on it that I made back in April ( I said, "Sometimes from darkness comes light. Good job!" ). But you didn't have 40 comments then - that's more than I've ever seen on anyone's FSF post!

      It was good in that it got a message across, but left something beyond what was written that was mysterious and dark, something unexplained. That made it more interesting.

    2. I did hit 20 plus 20 replies however it was on my blog on WordPress not BlogSpot

  3. I am learning new ways to do this Five Sentence Fiction thing every week. Your story is my lesson for this week.
